Conversational English/Spanish

Teacher teaching conversational English/Spanish

Course Description

This course is an introductory Conversational English/Spanish course which emphasizes listening comprehension and speaking.  Reading and writing may be done as reinforcement to oral communications skills. It is particularly for those students who wish to acquire limited conversational skills for the workplace.  Basic understanding of the workplace and workplace situations will be emphasized throughout this course. It meets twice a week for two hours. 


  • Practice Makes Perfect.  Spanish Vocabulary. Second Edition.  Richmond, Dorothy
  • Dictionary:  Larousse Pocket Student Dictionary:  Spanish/English, Larousee (or better)

Terminal Course Objectives

The course content is constructed to assist the students in the following ways:

  1. Speak clearly and fluently enough for a target-language speaker to understand and interpret intent without difficulty.
  2. Comprehend the main points of standard discourse and authentic material in target language spoken at near-native speed.
  3. Write simple descriptions and narrations of paragraph length on everyday events and situations in different time frames.
  4. Read with understanding authentic written material in the target language on a variety of topics related to daily life in the target-language world.
  5. Demonstrate knowledge of and sensitivity to characteristic perspectives, practices and products that reflect the culture of the target language.

Training Philosophy

Our training is designed with practical, real-world facility and industrial applications in mind. It is unbiased, unaffiliated and non-commercial so you are assured of a real education and not a product sales pitch. It focuses less on theory and more on the actual steps students need to properly maintain equipment or fix specific problems at their own plant or facility. Doing this in just a few days while reinforcing worker safety is a serious challenge. That's why our instructors have the freedom to tweak each session to the specific needs of the students in each class. Our instructors will simplify the subject matter for the novice or go in-depth to answer an engineer's toughest question.

About our Instructors:

All instructors are required to have a formal education and real world work experience. They need to be leaders in their field. We don't hire field people without teaching experience, and we don't hire teachers without field experience. They must have both.

Training at Your Facility

We can bring this or any of our other courses directly to your facility for training.