Doing Business with KCCD

Kern Community College District utilizes a decentralized purchasing method, allowing each of its three colleges to determine its own business needs, place orders, and authorize the payment of invoices. KCCD Business Services Office's primary role is to serve as an extension of the college business offices, providing them direct support in accomplishing their service objectives.

The KCCD Purchasing Department establishes guidelines for purchasers, processes and purchase orders. This office also maintains supplier relationships and generates RFPs/Bids for supplies, materials, equipment and non-construction services that are over the State of California bid threshold.

If you are interested in becoming a KCCD vendor, email or fax the following information:

  • Company name
  • Contact name
  • Mailing address
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Email address
  • Description of the product, equipment or service your company provides

Send this information to:
Attn: Purchasing Department
Fax: 661-336-5178

Construction Services

The KCCD Facilities Department maintains an annual Qualified Contractor List that serves as a useful guide when notifying contractors of an upcoming bid opportunity which meets a specific vendor trade classification.

If you are interested in being added to our Qualified Contractor List, email or fax the following information:

  • Company name
  • Contact name
  • Mailing address
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Email address
  • Trade classification
  • DIR Registration #

Send this information to:
Kim Crews, Administrative Assistant
Fax: (661) 336-5185