Freedom of Expression

Kern Community College District recognizes that it is critical to encourage the free exchange of ideas, as witnessing different perspectives leads to a full and open discussion of ideas, thus enhancing teaching and learning for all. As a District, we create an environment that provides our diverse students and communities with the opportunity to professionally engage with new ideas.

Pillars: Freedom of Speech
An individual right that allows for private citizens to freely share their views guaranteed by the First Amendment.
Pillars: Academic Freedom
The right of faculty in their scholarship and teaching to exchange ideas and challenge the ideas of others without fear of retribution.
Pillars: Mission
The mission of the Kern Community College District is to provide outstanding educational programs and services that are responsive to our diverse students and communities.
Pillars: Serving our communities together
Our communities are made stronger by our successful students, faculty and staff.

Kern CCD, as shown in the Board policies and the code of ethics, is fully committed to fostering a diverse, inclusive, and safe environment for our students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other campus visitors. We value the inherent dignity of all involved even when beliefs of a person or group are  different from our own.

Freedom of expression is not absolute of course. All members of the Kern CCD community have  the responsibility for maintaining a climate of mutual respect so that ideas can be freely shared and discussed, even when there is disagreement. Personnel attacks or criticism of an individual’s personal qualities are never permitted.

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