These Dashboards contains data on the student success indicators on the last five First-Time Degree-Seeking cohorts. Several of the indicators were originally based on momentum points established by the Achieving the Dream initiative. Some indicators are based on success metrics established by the AACC Pathways Project.
On the dashboard you will find a profile of the most recent cohort that data is available on (Fall 2021). This profile summarizes all of the indicators and shows 1-year and 5-year progress for each indicator. Users can then use the navigation bar at the top to see individual indicator dashboards that will allow them to see the data and trends in more detail.
Click on the info iconsfor data definitions and instructions on how to use the dashboard.
PDFs of the 2021 Cohort Summary page are available here:
KCCD Student Success Fall 2021 Summary
BC Student Success Fall 2021 Summary
Cohort Definition
Cohorts consist of first-time, degree-seeking students in each fall term. First-Time is defined as students who have no prior postsecondary experience. The exception for this are students who have attended college classes while concurrently enrolled in high school, and they are included in the cohort if they had not attended an institution of higher education while not enrolled in high school. Cohorts typically begin in the Fall of the academic year, but we also include students whose 1st term is the preceding summer. Students who transferred from another higher education institution and students enrolled at prisons are excluded from the cohort. Starting this year we excluded students with a current Fraud Hold from the Cohort.
Degree-seeking is defined as a student who, in their first fall (or summer) term, enrolled in either a course leading to a degree or certificate, or a CTE course coded as clearly occupational or higher. Students who did not enroll in a degree applicable or CTE course during their first term were also included if they declared a goal of transfer or degree/certificate completion.
Data Source
Student data comes from the KCCD Operational Data Store. The most recent data set was extracted on November 10th, 2022. Moving forward, data in individual dashboards will be refreshed as soon as new data is available. The Most Recent Program Profile will not be refreshed until the Fall of the following academic year.
If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know by emailing us at