Setting up Okta for First Time Students

The following will guide you through configuring your Okta account for the first time.

*This is a one-time process. You will not have to do this each time you log in to one of the affected applications.

1. Navigate to You should see the login screen similar to the one below.

Image of KCCD Okta Sign in Page


2. Login with your district/campus credentials (email and password).


3. After logging in successfully, you will be asked to select an image to associate with your account. Select an image and clickCreate My Account.


Image of Okta Setup selecting security image


4. Once all steps are completed, you may see a page similar to one of the examples below. This means your Okta configuration is complete. Feel free to close the browser window or proceed to the desired application.

*NOTE:You will only see one of the screens below if you began the account creation process from If you began the process by clicking a link or bookmark for the desired application (Canvas, Inside Portal, etc.), you will be directed to that app or page once the account creation process has been completed.


Image of successful setup welcome dashboard popup

Image of 'My Apps' dashboard inside of Okta


*ADDITIONAL NOTE:This change WILL NOT AFFECT the way you register for classes.

This is simply a new system for confirming your login credentials. After Okta account setup, there are only cosmetic differences to the initial login screen for district/campus systems such as the Inside Portal, Canvas, Banner, etc. (See screenshots below)

Old Login Screen:

Image of Old KCCD Portalguard Sign in Page


New Login Screen:

Image of New KCCD Okta Sign in Page